Image for article about the 7 Countries Rich Expats Are Fleeing Like the Plague (And Where They’re Going)

7 Countries Rich Expats Are Fleeing (And Their New Destinations)

Why are successful professionals and retirees packing their bags and leaving certain countries? Which countries rich people are fleeing? And how can their stories be an alert for you? Recently I came across very interesting data on the countries with the biggest exodus of millionaires. In the top 7, two of them are very curious

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Image for article about retiring in Argentina vs Uruguay

Retiring in Argentina vs Uruguay – Pros, Cons and Cost of Living

They speak the same language They love the same Yerba Mate They are both World Champions And share a tremendous passion for Barbecue – or “un asado”. These two countries have so many similarities that when deciding where to live, work remotely, or retire abroad, people ask: Uruguay Or Argentina? Which one is better? Or

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Why You Should Not Retire in Rio de Janeiro or Retire in Brazil

Retire in Rio de Janeiro… Well, well, well… This city is considered the 9th most beautiful in the world. It has the most famous beach on the planet Some of the most aesthetical people that ever walked on earth Still… You should NEVER EVER Think about retiring in this place called Rio de Janeiro, and today

Why You Should Not Retire in Rio de Janeiro or Retire in Brazil Read More »

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The Best Places to Retire in Costa Rica, The Pros and The Cons

Have you ever wondered why 70,000 Americans would move to Costa Rica? If you are a fan of The Office like me, you probably remember when one of the characters, Toby moved to Costa Rica because he had enough of Scranton, Pennsylvania. Like Toby, hundreds of thousands of Foreigners moved to this tiny Central American country.

The Best Places to Retire in Costa Rica, The Pros and The Cons Read More »

Image for article about retirement in the UAE

Why Thousands Chose to Retire in the UAE (But Not Only Dubai)

The United Arab Emirates, also known as The UAE, might be one of the most polarizing countries  when we talk about destinations to live and retire abroad The Pros of this place are very unique. Some of them are not found nearly anywhere else in the world But also the negative aspects are extremely unusual.

Why Thousands Chose to Retire in the UAE (But Not Only Dubai) Read More »

Image for article about the best and cheapest places to retire in Asia

The Cheapest Countries to Retire in Asia (Not Only Thailand!)

Today you will discover the 6 cheapest countries to retire in Asia. And no, we will not tell you to move to Bangladesh or Iraq. The countries you will read about in the next minutes are places where you can live cheaply, but they are also safe, relatively stable countries, and most importantly: the governments

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Image for article about the best places to retire in Eastern Europe

The 5 Best and Cheapest Places to Retire in Eastern Europe

It might sound crazy to have an episode about retirement in Eastern Europe as a foreigner. Because the first thing that comes to mind when we talk about Eastern Europe often are: But… what if I told you that this is Eastern Europe: and this is Eastern Europe: and this is Eastern Europe too? And

The 5 Best and Cheapest Places to Retire in Eastern Europe Read More »


Navigating Schooling Options for Your Children Abroad

Image Source Exploring educational opportunities for your children in a new country can be exciting and daunting. It’s a pivotal decision that impacts their academic growth and social and cultural integration. This guide aims to provide comprehensive insights into the schooling options available abroad, helping you make an informed decision that aligns with your child’s

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Expats on the Move: Strategies for Managing Immigration Documents

Managing immigration documents can be a complex and challenging task for expatriates. In this article, we will explore effective strategies to navigate the various challenges faced by expats when dealing with immigration documents. From understanding the basics of expat life to overcoming culture shock and financial considerations, we will provide valuable insights to ensure a

Expats on the Move: Strategies for Managing Immigration Documents Read More »

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