retirement abroad

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Why You Should Not Retire in Rio de Janeiro or Retire in Brazil

Retire in Rio de Janeiro… Well, well, well… This city is considered the 9th most beautiful in the world. It has the most famous beach on the planet Some of the most aesthetical people that ever walked on earth Still… You should NEVER EVER Think about retiring in this place called Rio de Janeiro, and today […]

Why You Should Not Retire in Rio de Janeiro or Retire in Brazil Read More »

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The Best Places to Retire in Costa Rica, The Pros and The Cons

Have you ever wondered why 70,000 Americans would move to Costa Rica? If you are a fan of The Office like me, you probably remember when one of the characters, Toby moved to Costa Rica because he had enough of Scranton, Pennsylvania. Like Toby, hundreds of thousands of Foreigners moved to this tiny Central American country.

The Best Places to Retire in Costa Rica, The Pros and The Cons Read More »

Image for article about retirement in the UAE

Why Thousands Chose to Retire in the UAE (But Not Only Dubai)

The United Arab Emirates, also known as The UAE, might be one of the most polarizing countries  when we talk about destinations to live and retire abroad The Pros of this place are very unique. Some of them are not found nearly anywhere else in the world But also the negative aspects are extremely unusual.

Why Thousands Chose to Retire in the UAE (But Not Only Dubai) Read More »

Image for article about the best and cheapest places to retire in Asia

The Cheapest Countries to Retire in Asia (Not Only Thailand!)

Today you will discover the 6 cheapest countries to retire in Asia. And no, we will not tell you to move to Bangladesh or Iraq. The countries you will read about in the next minutes are places where you can live cheaply, but they are also safe, relatively stable countries, and most importantly: the governments

The Cheapest Countries to Retire in Asia (Not Only Thailand!) Read More »

Image for article about the best places to retire in Eastern Europe

The 5 Best and Cheapest Places to Retire in Eastern Europe

It might sound crazy to have an episode about retirement in Eastern Europe as a foreigner. Because the first thing that comes to mind when we talk about Eastern Europe often are: But… what if I told you that this is Eastern Europe: and this is Eastern Europe: and this is Eastern Europe too? And

The 5 Best and Cheapest Places to Retire in Eastern Europe Read More »

Illustration for article about retire in Thailand as a foreigner

Retire in Thailand in 2023: Best Places, Retirement Visa, and More

Everything You Need to Know To Retire in Thailand: How Much Does It Cost, Where and How Have you ever found yourself pondering the idea of retiring in Thailand, the captivating country nestled between Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia and Malaysia? In this article, Me and my team will give you almost everything you need to know

Retire in Thailand in 2023: Best Places, Retirement Visa, and More Read More »

Image of Croatian city for article explaining the pros and cons to retire in Croatia

Retire in Croatia as an Expat –  Pros, Cons, and Best Places in 2023

Croatia: a place to retire spending a fraction of the US cost of living.  High quality of life, low cost of living, high-quality private health insurance for reasonable prices, the possibility of purchasing real estate… That is what most foreign retirees look for when they are hunting for their next retirement destination, either to live

Retire in Croatia as an Expat –  Pros, Cons, and Best Places in 2023 Read More »

Bariloche, one of the best places to retire in Argentina

The Best Latin American Countries to Live in – 2023

Discover The Best and Safest Countries to Live in Latin America in 2023 Cost of living arbitrage – Mark this expression because this is an increasing trend since 2021 and it will gain force in the next few years. It is also the reason why we wrote this article about the best Latin American countries to

The Best Latin American Countries to Live in – 2023 Read More »

Ilustration of the Mexican map and a beach for article about The Best Places to Retire in Mexico for Expats in 2023

The Best Places to Retire in Mexico for Expats in 2023

For Americans or Europeans, These Are The Best Places in Mexico to Retire According to data from the Immigration Policy Unit of the Secretariat for Home Affairs (SEGOB), the number of Americans residing in Mexico increased by 69.9% in 2022 compared to 2019, the year before the start of the Covid-19 pandemic. If we consider

The Best Places to Retire in Mexico for Expats in 2023 Read More »

Happy retirees in Uruguay

Retire in Uruguay: Costs, Pros and Cons

Everything You Need to Know to Embrace a Relaxed Lifestyle and Retire in Uruguay. Ps: Check also our Youtube Channel. Amid the hustle and bustle of São Paulo, a former work colleague of mine, Felipe, recently told me about his idea of living elsewhere. Why? Because it is very difficult to raise a family and have

Retire in Uruguay: Costs, Pros and Cons Read More »

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