Are Americans Still Welcome in Europe? (Update for 2025)

“Americans are not welcome here in Europe anymore!” 

You’ve probably heard comments like this when browsing on social media.

With all the political tension between the US and Europe lately, many of you have asked me if Europeans have become hostile towards Americans – and if you are worried that the changing political landscape might ruin your dream of retiring in Europe, you’re not alone.

As someone living in Europe for almost a decade, today I’m here to answer to you this question.

And it is NOT what you think.

The Reality of Everyday Life

Picture this: You’ve finally made the move to your dream European village. 

It can be any of the countries we recommend in other articles: Greece, Spain, France, Italy.

The sun is shining, the coffee is perfect, and then your new neighbors knock on your door. But instead of a warm welcome, they launch into a rant about American politics… 

Does this look like something likely to happen to you?

No, right?

I started with this story because first I want to talk about something fundamental that we often forget when watching the news: 

Most people’s daily lives aren’t dominated by politics. This is true in America, and it’s just as true in Europe.

Think about your own neighborhood for a moment. When you meet a new neighbor, do you immediately ask about their voting record? Of course not. You talk about the weather, your gardens, local restaurants, or your pets. You might discover shared hobbies or interests. Politics might never come up at all.

The same is true in Europe. Most Europeans are focused on their own daily lives – their families, jobs, hobbies, and local communities. They’re not sitting around thinking about American politics all day.

In fact, in many European countries, it’s considered somewhat impolite to discuss politics with people you’ve just met. It’s viewed as a personal matter, something to be discussed with close friends, if at all.

One time per week, more or less, I meet with some friends here for drinks – and I don’t know about the political orientation of ANY of them

Except for one that always makes sure that everyone knows about her preferences – you can try to guess her orientation in the comment section.

Are Americans Still Welcome in Europe (1)

The Individual Matters More Than the Passport

What I’ve consistently found during my years living in Europe is that Europeans judge Americans as individuals, not as representatives of their government.

Europeans are generally quite good at separating their opinions about American foreign policy from their feelings about individual Americans they meet. In fact, many Europeans are quite curious about Americans and enjoy learning about life in the United States from an actual person rather than from movies or news reports.

Probably, what matters most to your future European neighbors will be:

  • Are you friendly and respectful?
  • Do you make an effort to learn the local language?
  • Do you try to understand and adapt to local customs?
  • Are you a good neighbor?
  • Do you contribute positively to the community?

If you can answer yes to these questions, you’ll likely find yourself welcomed warmly, regardless of who happens to be in the White House.

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Western Europeans Have Seen Many US Presidents Come and Go

Here’s an important perspective: Western Europeans have observed decades of changing American administrations. They’ve seen Democrats and Republicans take turns. They’ve witnessed political shifts in America many times before.

For older Europeans especially, American politics is just one more cycle in a long history they’ve witnessed. They’ve lived through their own political changes and understand that governments come and go, but people remain people.

Many Europeans themselves don’t agree with their own government’s policies. They understand that citizens don’t always support what their leaders do. They extend this understanding to Americans as well.

The Experience of Americans Currently Living in Europe

Are Americans Still Welcome in Europe (3)

I’ve spoken with dozens of American expats across Europe, and the overwhelming consensus is this: nothing has changed in how they’re treated day-to-day.

And this feeling is reflected by multiple polls when people are asked which nationality they sympathize with the most.

In Poland, for example, an institute called CBOS makes such polls, and this year Americans passed the Italians and took the first place among the nationalities that Poles have more sympathy towards.

Poles about Americans

Yes, there are some places where the image of the US was a bit tarnished, like Denmark, due to all the issue around Greenland.

But Europe has many countries, and perceptions vary.

In most cases, the fears that Americans would suddenly face hostility simply haven’t materialized.

The Practical View

Let’s also consider the practical side. Many European countries actively court American retirees and expats because they bring economic benefits:

  • You’ll be spending your retirement savings and pension in the local economy
  • You’ll likely buy or rent housing
  • You’ll pay local taxes
  • You might even create jobs if you start businesses or employ household help

European countries with retirement visa programs – like Portugal, Spain, Italy, and Greece – aren’t going to suddenly reject Americans because of political changes. These programs exist because they benefit the host countries economically, and that economic benefit doesn’t change with political winds.

Tips for Smooth Social Integration

Are Americans Still Welcome in Europe (2)

If you’re still concerned, here are some practical tips that will help ensure you have positive interactions with Europeans, regardless of the political climate:

  1. Try to learn the local language. Even imperfect attempts are appreciated and show respect – But don’t worry, there is a funnier and nicer way to learn a language. The method I use to learn new languages is this one (by using this link you get a 40% discount after trying for free, and if you subscribe, you’ll get a 40% discount!)
  2. Be curious rather than comparative. Ask questions about local customs instead of constantly comparing everything to how it’s done “back home.” And this curiosity extends to trying local stuff. In one of my articles, I told the story of an American living in France who preferred to go to McDonalds instead of good local restaurants. I know he has the right to choose whatever he wants, but you cannot expect the locals to not find this derogatory…
  3. Stay informed about local issues in your new community. Being aware of what matters to your neighbors shows that you care.
  4. Find common ground beyond politics. Shared interests in food, music, sports, or hobbies create stronger connections than political agreement ever could.
  5. If politics does come up, listen more than you speak. Be open to learning about different perspectives.
  6. Remember that you’re new in their country – just like a new person in an office – so a humble and appreciative attitude goes a remarkably long way.
  7. Build a diverse social circle that includes both expats and locals. This gives you a support network and helps you integrate more deeply.

By the way, if you’re reading this article, you’re probably planning to travel abroad for a longer time, and you want to save money and pay fewer taxes. I’ve written three top-rated Amazon books on living abroad, based on my experiences and insights from hundreds who’ve done the same – You can purchase them through this link.

Books about moving and living abroad Levi Borba

Dealing with the Occasional Negative Interaction

Now, I want to be completely honest with you. You might occasionally encounter someone who wants to discuss American politics or who has strong opinions about the United States. This happened before the recent election, and it will continue to happen regardless of who’s president.

When this occurs, remember:

  • One person’s view doesn’t represent an entire country
  • How you respond matters more than what they say
  • A polite “I understand your concern, but I’d rather enjoy our time together talking about other things” often works well
  • Sometimes humor can defuse tension – being able to laugh gently at stereotypes shows confidence

These occasional conversations are not reasons to abandon your retirement dreams. They’re just part of the normal experience of living abroad in any era.

Book: Budget Travelers, Digital Nomads & Expats: The Ultimate Guide: 50 Tips, Tricks, Hacks, and Ways to Free Stuff & Cheaper Flights
Recommended book: Budget Travelers, Digital Nomads & Expats: The Ultimate Guide: 50 Tips, Tricks, Hacks, and Ways to Free Stuff & Cheaper Flights

Focus on What You Can Control

Ultimately, you have no control over who gets elected in either your home country or your adopted one. What you do have control over is how you present yourself and interact with others.

By being a respectful, engaged, and positive presence in your new community, you create your own welcome. Your personal actions will shape how you’re received far more than any political developments.

The Bigger Picture: A Chance for Connection

There’s actually a beautiful opportunity here. In a world that sometimes seems increasingly divided, your decision to live among people from another culture creates a bridge. Every positive interaction you have helps break down stereotypes and build understanding.

So, to answer the question that’s been worrying so many of you: No, you should not delay or cancel your plans to retire in Europe because of recent political changes.

Most Europeans don’t care nearly as much about US politics as you think they do. In fact, your daily interactions in Europe will likely have nothing to do with who sits in the White House. So if that is what you want, keep planning, keep dreaming, and keep preparing for this exciting next chapter of your life.

And to help you, I made a special article with the best places for retirement in 15 European countries. It is the most important article I ever made – because it answers more questions than any other.

Levi Borba is the founder of, creator of the channel The Expat, and best-selling authorYou can find him on X here. Some of the links above might be affiliated links, meaning the author earns a small commission if you make a purchase.

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